Exploring Message Assignment in BizTalk: A Step-by-Step Guide


Welcome to this blog where we will explore message assignment shapes and learn how to assign values to different fields in a message variable.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1.            Start by creating a new BizTalk project and solution named "POCMessageAssignment."

2.            Create a strong name key file (snk) and name it "POCMessageAssignment.snk." Refer to this snk file in your project.

3.            In the deployment tab of the project, set the application name as "POCMessageAssignment" and save the project.

4.            Add a new schema to the project named "SourceA" with the following fields

             IdentificationNumber (distinguish this field)




5.            Add another schema named "SourceB" with the following fields:

             ID (distinguish this field)



6.            Create an orchestration named "Process."

7.            Create a logical receive port with a configuration of “Specify Later”. Name it "POCMessageAssignmentReceiveSourceAPort_1" and set the port type name as "POCMessageAssignmentReceiveSourceAPortType_1."

8.            Define the following message variables:

             msgSourceA: Type = SourceA schema

             msgSourceB: Type = SourceB schema

9.            Create a string variable named "strIdentificationNumber" with the type "System.String."

10.         Connect the receive shape to the message variable "msgSourceA." Set Activate = true. Hook up the receive port and receive shape.

11.         Below the receive shape, add a construct shape. Inside it, place a transform shape to convert from SourceA to SourceB. Use the fully qualified name "POCMessageAssignment.SourceA_TO_SourceB" for the map. Set the source as msgSourceA and the destination as msgSourceB. Hard code the ID field as "Tempvalue." Note that we have assigned a temporary value in the map and we will assign a proper value using the message assignment shape. Map FirstName to FName and LastName to LName. Build the map.

12.         Add a message assignment shape below the map shape.

13.         Write the following expressions in the message assignment shape:

strIdentificationNumber = msgSourceA.IdentificationNumber;

msgSourceB.ID = strIdentificationNumber;

14.         Drag a send shape below the message construct shape and bind msgSourceB to the send shape.

15.         Create a logical send port with a configuration of "Specify Later" and connect it to the send shape.

             Name: POCMessageAssignmentSendSourceBPort_1

             Port Type Name: POCMessageAssignmentSendSourceBPortType_1

16.         Build the solution and deploy it.

17.         Create a one-way receive port and a receive location with the following names and configurations:

             Receive Port Name: POCMessageAssignment.RP

             Receive Location Name: POCMessageAssignment.RL

             URL: D:\Developer\Vipin\POCMessageAssignment\IN

18.         Create a one-way send port with the following name and configuration:

             Send Port Name: POCMessageAssignment.SP

             URL: D:\Developer\Vipin\POCMessageAssignment\OUT

19.         Bind the receive port, host instance, and send port to the orchestration.

20.         Restart the host instances and start the application.

21.         Create a folder at the following location to store sample files:


22.         Generate an instance of SourceA and save it in the above location.

<ns0:SourceA xmlns:ns0="http://POCMessageAssignment.SourceA">

23.         Drop the SourceA instance in the receive location, and you will find the output file at the send port location. You can see that the ID field has been assigned a value from the IdentificationNumber field from SourceA schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ns0:SourceB xmlns:ns0="http://POCMessageAssignment.SourceB">


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