
Showing posts from July, 2023

Error: EDI 997 Acks not being sent out

 Introduction In this blog, we address a crucial issue concerning the non-delivery of 997 Acks to "ABCCompany" in the context of an EDI X12 message Root Cause and Solution The issue arose due to a configuration error in the agreement setup. Specifically, the "997/999 Expected" option was not checked, leading to the failure to send Acks to "ABCCompany" upon receiving the EDI X12 messages. To fix this we just need to check this option as shown in the following figure and restart the host instance. Now, upon receiving new messages, the system should automatically generate and send the required 997 Acks to "ABCCompany" as expected.

Error: Number of included segments do not match

Introduction In this blog, we tackle a crucial issue encountered during the reprocessing of an X12 EDI message. We will get into the root cause of the problem and provide you with a solution to overcome it. Error: An output message of the component "Unknown " in receive pipeline "Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive, Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.EdiPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" is suspended due to the following error:       Error encountered during parsing. The X12 transaction set with id '103465910' contained in functional group with id '02', in interchange with id '000000009', with sender id '4532345856     ', receiver id '8038025150     ' is being suspended with following errors: Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error) 4: Number of included segments do not match . The sequence number of the suspended message is 1.  Root Cause: The issue stems from a mismatch in the number of se...

Error - The Messaging Engine encountered an error during the processing of one or more inbound messages.

Introduction In this blog, we explore a specific issue that occurred during reprocessing of an EDI message via the BizTalk EDI receive pipeline. Error: The Messaging Engine encountered an error during the processing of one or more inbound messages.  Root Cause The issue arose from a small, yet significant, problem within the input X12 file. At the beginning of the file, there were a couple of unnecessary spaces that caused the processing hiccup. The straightforward solution to this problem involves removing these spaces before reprocessing the file.

EDI X12 Trading partner configuration in BizTalk

 Introduction In this blog post, we will explore the process of setting up trading partner configuration in BizTalk. This involves creating parties, configuring agreements, and testing the solution. Let's dive into the details. Steps Creating parties in BizTalk To begin, we need to create two parties - one for our company and another for our trading partner. Let's start by creating the party for our company named "Vipin." Follow these steps: Connect to the BizTalk Admin console. Right-click on "Party" and select "New" -> "Party." Name the party as "Vipin" and click on OK Creating the party will also create the profile for you. Next, let's create the party for our trading partner, "ABCCompany" by following the same steps. Understanding the X12 File Now, in order to configure the agreement, we need to have a sample X12 EDI message that "ABCCompany" will be sending to our company, "Vipin." Let...

Resolving Authorization Errors: Configuring BizTalk for Basic Authenticated REST API Connectivity

Introduction When attempting to connect to a Basic Authenticated REST API through BizTalk using a WCF Web HTTP adapter, you may encounter the following error: Error System.Net.WebException: The HTTP request is unauthorized with the client authentication scheme 'Basic'. The authentication header received from the server was ''. {     "code": "Unauthorized",     "message": "Unauthorized",     "type": "tag:xyx,2020:error/Unauthorized",     "instance": "tag:xyz,2020:***/3333333333333333" } Resolution Configure the outbound headers as shown below. Conclusion By following these steps and configuring the outbound headers as instructed, you can overcome the authorization error and establish a successful connection to the Basic Authenticated REST API through BizTalk using the WCF Web HTTP adapter.

Troubleshooting API Issues with Fiddler: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction In this blog post, we will explore the process of troubleshooting issues using Fiddler. Often, when working with APIs in BizTalk, you may encounter errors that do not occur when using Postman. To further investigate and resolve these issues, we can utilize Fiddler by installing it in BizTalk and making necessary configuration changes. This blog post will guide you through the details of this troubleshooting process. Steps Open fiddler as admin Go to Tools → Options → Connections. In the Connections settings, you will notice that Fiddler listens on port number 8888. We need to configure the same port number in the send port proxy configuration in BizTalk. Once the port number is configured, you can drop a message in the receive location to trigger the integration, which will make the API call. By using Fiddler, we should be able to observe the request and response messages. Now, let's explore how to configure the proxy in Postman. Please refer the figure Conclusion By f...

API response not in proper format

 Error: I encountered an unexpected issue where the API response was not in the proper format. Despite sending a correctly formatted input request, I continued to receive an incorrect response. Root Cause And Solution Upon investigating the issue, I discovered that a crucial setting was overlooked in the send JSON encoder pipeline. The RemoveOuterEnvelope property should have been set to "True" to ensure the desired request format. By configuring the RemoveOuterEnvelope property to "True" in the send JSON encoder pipeline, the issue was resolved. This setting ensures that the outer envelope is removed from the API request, providing the expected response format. Remember to double-check and configure the necessary pipeline settings to avoid similar issues in the future.

Fixing File Name Issues in BizTalk: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect Error

 Error: The FILE send adapter cannot open file D:\Developer\Vipin\Common\Archive\2023 8:55:51 AM.json for writing.  Details: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. Solution  I encountered an issue while setting the file name in the orchestration using a message assign shape with the following code. The strCreationDate variable contained special characters like a colon, which caused the problem. strCreationDate = creationDate.ToString(); msgRequest(FILE.ReceivedFileName) = "ABCFILE_" + strCreationDate + ".json"; To resolve this issue, I suggest using the following code snippet that excludes special characters from the file name: creationDate = System.DateTime.Now; strCreationDate = creationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); msgRequest(FILE.ReceivedFileName) = "ABCFILE_" + strCreationDate + ".json"; By using this code, the msgRequest(FILE.ReceivedFileName) field will be assigned a file name in the format ABCFILE_...

Error - Only text-only elements or attributes may be selected.

Error: The XPath expression '/*[local-name()='OrderCanonical' and namespace-uri()='http://Order.Common.Schemas.SalesOrderCanonical']/*[local-name()='SalesOrder' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='Header' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='DCNumber' and namespace-uri()='']' selected a node which is not valid for property or distinguished field retrieval, or it selected no node at all. Only text-only elements or attributes may be selected. Solution: To resolve this issue  follow the steps outlined below: Check Input Message: First, ensure that the input message contains the field you are trying to retrieve, in this case, the 'DCNumber' field. If the 'DCNumber' field is not present in the input message, the XPath expression will fail. Verify the structure and content of the input message to confirm the presence of the 'DCNumber' field. Map a Dummy Value: If the 'DCNumber' fiel...